Take your Relationship Status Off the Pedestal

This is NOT a Dating Course 

Allow me to make myself clear—If you are looking for another course to give you tactics on how to find a man, keep a man, make a man obsessed with you...you have come to the wrong place.  

This course is all about you


Imagine living a life that you're excited about.

Picture this.

You know exactly what you want out of life. You have a clear understanding of your purpose and how to achieve it. You have the tools you need to heal effectively.  You are no longer limited by negative self-talk and defeatist beliefs.  Because you develop clear boundaries and stick to them, your standards are higher than everand those standards are finally being met by the people who come into your life.


This program will enable you to:


Heal from your past and overcome your most limiting beliefs


Develop clear boundaries and standards


Cultivate magnetic confidence and self-esteem


Strengthen your intuition through restored heart-to-mind connection


Develop an abundance mindset


Stop self-sabotage once and for all


There's just one problem...

You still struggle with the following...

  You watch videos, listen to podcasts, read books, and still see no results.  I provide the structure you need to finally break the cycle. My proven blueprint will give you direction, and break you out of the overwhelm that causes discouragement and paralysis.

  You often feel confused about what else you can do.  I offer a clear roadmap that has worked for me, and the thousands of women I have helped

  You self-sabotage in ways that you don't understand.  I get to the root of self-sabotaging habits to help you disarm them, for good.

  You have a never-ending, incredibly negative internal dialogue. I teach you how to rebuttal and eventually silence your inner critic.

  You are haunted by your past hurts and disappointments. I will teach you how to liberate yourself from regret by reframing your understanding of past experiences. 

  You overregulate your boundaries and standards out of fear. I will show you how to achieve balance through confidence and a healed mindset.

 You feel like you have to be missing something. "That girl," "it girl," the women who appear to have it all effortlessly share certain mindset traits in common. Learn and internalize them in my program. 

    No one around you gets it, so you fall off the wagon. With the community features included in my course, you will finally have a group of likeminded women to keep you focused and motivated.


Here's the truth:

Watching Content won't Change your Life


You have watched hundreds of hours of content but cannot seem to figure out how to make it work in real life.  You have read books and listened to podcasts, but still find yourself making the same mistakes.


Imagine if there was a solution that could help you break free from this cycle. A program that could give you a step-by-step blueprint without all the guesswork. This is that course.  




See What Ladies in the Course Say...

Sneak Peak into the Course Modules

Everything you need to achieve your goal

Each module is packed with multiple lessons designed to lead and support you on your journey to becoming your best self.

Course Opener

Personality Assessment 

In this course module, you will engage in personality assessments as a starting point to encourage critical thinking about your own tendencies and personality traits. 


Take your Temperature 

You will have life-changing epiphanies as I lead you in a powerful exercise designed to help you uncover your deepest desires and determine who you need to become to realize them. 


Fundamentals of Healing

You will learn how to shift to identity-based thinking, and understand self-love as acceptance. You will also gain a deeper understanding of your frustrating habits and past experiences.


Control Center: Your Inner Mind

You will engage in thought experiments that teach you the power of your mind—as you think, so your life is! You will also be given tools to neutralize fear, avoid common pitfalls, and disarm limiting beliefs. 


Personal Development

You will learn the power of your inner dialogue and how to rewrite the story that has kept you stuck to break patterns of self-sabotage. I will also give you the keys to cultivating a fertile mind and lead you on a journey where you give yourself permission to do and be better.


Self Love and Awareness

You will learn essential principles to build a fulfilling life: discovering purpose, increasing emotional literacy, developing your own routines and habits, and nurturing your passions.


Before you even THINK about Dating 

You will learn important self-nurturing habits and receive a toolkit to put you in a healthy frame of mind to start dating.  By the end of this week, I will take you from playing hard to get to being hard to get as you upgrade your belief system and become the prize. 


Get your Head in the Game

Continue learning how to become the prize by mastering empathy and healthy detachment. Bonus modules in these weeks cover how to disarm insecurities around certain societal stigmas—like age, weight, and single motherhood. 


From Dating to Commitment

You will receive my PROVEN, winning dating arsenal.  By the end of these two weeks, you will have all the tools you need to adopt a winner's mindset and THINK like the prize.


The Long Haul - Vetting in Long Term Relationships 

You will learn my "head-over-heels" standard, and the key indicators to know if your partner is truly in love with you. I will also teach you how to avoid the common pitfalls women experience in committed relationships as I share my solutions to the most common issues. 


Become the Prize

This program is designed to give you a stronger sense of who you are, what you truly want, and how to get it. It has over 110 modules designed to help you take the path of least resistance towards healing and fulfillment.

Proven roadmap

I provide the structure and guidance that you need to finally break the cycle and create lasting change. 


Guided implementation

What really sets this program apart is the assigned journal exercises and thought experiments, designed to promote your healing and change the way you think.  


Private community

You gain LIFETIME access to a private community of like-minded women on the same journey. You will finally feel understood and supported in your journey to leveling up and becoming your best self.

Live Q+A Recordings 

Benefit from six live Q+A sessions hosted by me, each over 1.5 hours long, for more depth and understanding of course material and related topics.  




How does this sound?

Your life after taking this course...

Picture this: you wake up every morning feeling happy, fulfilled, and at peace with yourself. You no longer carry the weight of past hurts or limiting beliefs that held you back. Instead, you feel empowered and confident in who you are.  And as a result, every area of your life brings you more joy than you ever thought possible.

  You are confident in yourself and your worth, and no longer seek validation from others. You have implemented my proven method for becoming truly internally validated so that the thoughts and opinions of others no longer control you. 

  You are healed from past hurts, and freed from limiting beliefs.  You have released negative emotions and limiting beliefs, so that you can fully step into your potential. 

  You have clarity on your standards and boundariesYou have gained clarity on your standards and boundaries, knowing exactly what you deserve in all aspects of life. As a result, you no longer find yourself settling for situationships or struggle love.

  You have a clear vision of your purpose, and a renewed sense of direction. In all areas of your life, you know what you deserve and are not afraid to stand for it.  You are no longer afraid to speak up for yourself and set boundaries.

  You have rewritten the story you tell yourself and overcome negative self-talk.  You have learned to love and accept yourself, flaws and all.  You have made peace with your past and no longer feel controlled by it. Your inner dialogue has shifted from the voice of your worst critic to your biggest cheerleader.

 You have a toolbox of healthy and effective communication skills.  You know how to express yourself respectfully and assertively, while also actively listening to others. You have increased emotional intelligence so that your comprehension is no longer short-circuited by your past hurts and triggers.

  You now have a strong support system of like-minded women to bounce ideas off of, who uplift and encourage you.  Your new community of women has helped you continue on the path toward growth and self-discovery. You made lifelong friends who match your new mindset and way of life.

  You are permanently free from situationships, struggle-love, and subpar experiences.  With a strong sense of self-worth and clear standards, you now attract and maintain healthy relationships in all areas of your life. 

  You are no longer confused when it comes to dating and relationships Dating is no longer a confusing game for you because you took your relationship status off the pedestal.


Meet your teacher

Hi, I'm Fumi

I am a content creator and licensed attorney. I am also the founder and sole creator for Maha Maven, a vibrant community of over 900k like minded women and counting!

My goal is to inspire and empower women to hold the highest standards in every area of their lives, through the mediums of my content, newsletter, and digital goods. My focus areas are personal development, lifestyle, mindset, dating, and relationships.

So far, I have helped hundreds of women with this course, hundreds more with my 1:1 sessions, and thousands more through other mediums. 

Visit her coaching page to learn more about working with her 1:1. 

Learn from my mistakes, not your own...


I had periods where I was confused about the direction of my life, and how to accomplish my goals and dreams. There were times when I was weighed down by negative experiences in my past, and allowed them to inform my inner narrative and self-talk. I allowed these external sources to define what was possible for me, without realizing that I was limiting myself.

Awareness was the first step in the right direction for me. 

It took some trial and error and a fair amount of ups and downs, but eventually, I found a way out. Don't waste time wandering without direction, trying and failing to cultivate the life you have always wanted.

Make this year your best year yet!  Start investing in yourself by taking the time to truly understand who you are and what you want out of life.  Join over a thousand women who have benefited from the lessons I learned.   

Featured in 

This is possible for you too

Your path to your goal


Enroll Now

Click the enrollment button and follow the checkout steps. In minutes, you'll get an email will your login details.


Get started

Dive into the content and take action. Can’t start right away? It's okay, you have longterm access to the course when you pay in full.


Join the Community 

Join the Discord group and the online community! Make the most of this one-of-a-kind community of women. 


Our money-back guarantee

Try our program for 30 days, risk-free

Try it for 30 days, or five lessons, whichever comes first! If you are not full satisfied, reach out to [email protected] for a FULL refund.* 

*If you purchase the subscription, the guarantee is for two weeks or five lessons—whichever comes first.

This is for you if:

  You are tired of consuming content, reading books, and still seeing no changes in your life. 

  You are ready to take control of your life, to see the changes you have always wanted. 

  You want to do the work to have clarity in all areas of your life—purpose, career, love, and more!  

  You are tired of going back on your standards and boundaries, and ready to attract the partner you know you deserve. 

  You no longer want to feel clueless about what to say, or what to look for while dating. Get access to my toolkit showing you how to vet the men you date, and how to avoid common pitfalls like oversharing. 

  You want a community of women who support and encourage your growth and breakthrough, instead of pulling you back to old habits. 

  You want the tools to finally heal from past hurts, gain perspective on past experiences, and rewrite the story and narrative that has kept you stuck in a cycle of frustration and disappointment. 

This is not for you if:

  You know everything already! You don't have the results you want, but that's never made you stop and think critically about where you may have missed something. 

  It's always someone else's fault! You dismiss any and every invitation to accountability as "blame" or "shaming women." In your world, women and helpless victims that other people do things to—not adults capable of changing their lives and experiences with decisive and intentional actions. 

  You see courses, coaching, and even reading books as "doing too much" or scams! Why should you have to do all that? So and so got married and seems happy without it...

  You are comfortable with where you are. You are willing to gamble away more time, living unhappily, while life passes you by. 

Are you ready to Become the Prize?

What does that actually mean? And how do you go about becoming the prize?

Being the prize means becoming confident in yourself and learning to value yourself truly. It means knowing your worth and refusing to settle for less than you deserve. It also means being a catch—someone who is desirable and sought after—because she has invested in herself by doing the work.



Frequently Asked Questions

Don't spend another minute stuck

Don't be in the same place this time next year.

This course is not a quick fix or a magic solution. It requires dedication, commitment, and effort from you. That is what sets it apart from most courses out there, and what makes it a "life-changing" experience.  

Through this course, you will gain a better understanding of yourself, your thoughts, and your behaviors. You will learn how to break free from limiting beliefs, negative patterns, and self-sabotaging behaviors that may be holding you back.  You will also gain the tools you need to vet potential partners more effectively, and even come to enjoy the process of dating!

Here's what's waiting for you on the other side:

  Increased confidence.
  Renewed sense of self.
  Habits and routines to sustain a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Greater clarity and understanding of your wants and needs in life, and love.

Improved communication skills.

  Stronger boundaries, higher standards, and the self-worth that comes from genuine self-love.

 Healthier, fulfilling, and authentic connections with others.

Ready to achieve your goal? Sign up here:

Pay in Full



  • My Proven and Transformative Coaching Curriculum (Personal Development and Dating) 
  • 7 Recordings of LIVE Q+A sessions with Fumi (@mahamaven) [at least 2.5 hours each]
  • Permanent access to a Discord community of like-minded women, on the same journey 
  • A more healed mindset, more confidence, stronger boundaries, higher standards, and a better understanding of your needs and how to meet them




  • My Proven and Transformative Coaching Curriculum (Personal Development and Dating) 
  • 7 Recordings of LIVE Q+A sessions with Fumi (@mahamaven) [at least 2.5 hours each]
  • Permanent access to a Discord community of like-minded women, on the same journey 
  • A more healed mindset, more confidence, stronger boundaries, higher standards, and a better understanding of your needs and how to meet them